Growing together
Adult Sunday School at Asbury…
Each Sunday morning at 9:00AM adults gather in various classes to grow in Christian faith and community. Our classes are more than your average Sunday School groups. We gather together to share in life: connecting, growing, and serving together. Each class offers a unique style of study and growth. In addition, classes extend beyond the classroom through regular social gatherings and mission outreach.
If you are interested in attending one of our classes or would like more information, please contact Angela Pfanner, Program Director.
Class Descriptions
Stars Class
Room 26
This elder class of adults team teaches studies that include Jim Moore books. Class leads and team teaches the class.
SPICE Fellowship Class
Room 25
This class follows a discussion format that covers various topics through DVD studies and books.
Beacons Class
Room 23
This lively discussion class primarily studies scripture along with topical teaching books written by Jim Moore, Max Lucado, and others.
Open Space
This group of younger adults discusses issues and seek’s God’s will for daily living through scripture and devotion time together.
Seekers Class
Room 18/19
Lessons are teacher led with class discussion, generally exploring material from Jim Moore, Max Lucado, Adam Hamilton, Matt Rawle and others.