
Relationships Day Retreat

with clint davis counseling staff

Our need to connect is as strong as our need for food and water. So, what happens if the connection breaks? Can it be repaired? If so, how? Can the connection grow stronger?

We will cover how to strengthen your connection with your partner as well as with your children. In addition, we will provide tools to help you repair/heal broken connections in your life!

–LaNita Proctor, LMSW & Peri Gilbert-Reed, LPC, RPT

When Saturday, September 7th from 9am-2pm

Where Asbury United Methodist Church (3200 Airline Drive, Bossier City, LA, 71111)

Cost $50/person

*Cost includes lunch for adults and childcare for children up to age 3. Please pack a lunch for your child(ren).

Registration deadline: September 4th